Adults white & blue belt
and KIDS event

Discover your potential at SSF Interclubs! A welcoming event for white & blue belts to learn, compete, and connect.

Begin your competitive grappling journey—sign up today!

No pressure and friendly atmosphere

At least 2 matches each grappler

Rolls will continue for the full match even after submissions or referee stoppage

12th of May 2024  |  The Cirlce, Bacup OL13 8BD

SSF 12 May 2024 Registration

About the venue

The Circle in Bacup has been home to SSF's events for a number of years. It is a building of great heritage, architecture and history - and amazing food!

St John the Evangelist, Fern Street, Bacup OL13 8BD

Act fast, get matched!

SSF Interclub, a no gi event in the heart of Rossendale, designed for jiu-jitsu students to dip their toes into competition without the pressure of the big shows.
